Monday, October 31, 2022

Causes and How to Overcome Urinary Tract Infections in Men

A urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs when germs grow and develop in the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections in men are characterized by symptoms such as frequent urination, pain when urinating, pain in the lower abdomen, cloudy urine, blood containing urine, and fever. Sometimes, a urinary tract infection can also cause a swollen penis.

Causes of Urinary Tract Infections in Men

The causes of urinary tract infections in men and women are actually not much different. Some of the bacteria that often cause this condition include Escherichia coli, Klebisella pneumoniae, and Staphylococcus.

Men are less likely to get urinary tract infections. However, there are several factors that can increase the risk of urinary tract infections in men, namely:
  • Over 50 years old
  • Have an enlarged prostate gland
  • Suffering from kidney stones
  • Suffering from diabetes
  • Using a catheter
  • Have a weak immune system
  • Doing anal sex
  • Have you ever had urinary tract surgery?
In addition to this, urinary tract infections are also prone to occur in men who are not circumcised and men who are less able to maintain the cleanliness of their intimate organs.

Overcoming Urinary Tract Infections in Men

If you experience difficulty urinating and painful urination, pain in your lower abdomen, or blood in your urine, or even a fever, seek medical attention immediately.

After conducting a question-and-answer or anamnesis, the doctor will perform a physical examination, especially in the pubic area and lower abdomen. The doctor may also perform supporting examinations, especially urine tests to detect infections and other disorders in the urinary tract.

If the patient is diagnosed with a UTI, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to kill the bacteria that cause UTI. The doctor will also give you painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. In addition to relieving pain, this drug can also reduce fever. To help the UTI healing process, drink plenty of water and don't hold your pee.

Preventing Urinary Tract Infections in Men

If you have recovered from a UTI, take the following steps in an effort to prevent a UTI from happening again:
  • Always get enough fluids every day.
  • Don't hold your pee.
  • Keep the pubic area clean and dry.
  • Urinate immediately and clean the intimate area before and after sex.
  • Avoid using soaps and powders that contain fragrance on the pubic area.
  • Wear cotton underwear and avoid wearing tight pants.
Urinary tract infections in men can occur repeatedly if the causes and risk factors are not addressed. To avoid this, do the preventive measures above. If you experience complaints that point to a urinary tract infection, you should immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment.

Baby Has UTI? These are the Symptoms and How to Overcome It

UTI is one of the common health problems experienced by infants, especially those under 1 year of age. This condition is usually caused by bacteria from feces that enter through the baby's genitals, then rise and develop in the bladder.

This may happen if the way to clean the baby after defecation is not appropriate, the baby has not or has not been circumcised, or the baby has congenital abnormalities in his urinary tract.

Recognize the Symptoms of UTI in Babies

Compared to baby boys, baby girls are more prone to UTIs. This is because women have shorter urinary tracts than men. As a result, bacteria will more easily enter the bladder.

UTIs in infants tend to be difficult to detect. This is because the baby has not been able to convey the symptoms he feels. Therefore, the mother must be observant of the changes experienced by the Little One.

The following are signs of UTI in babies that you can observe:
  • Crying while urinating
  • Urinating more often and little by little
  • Often fussy
  • Urine smells bad, looks cloudy or bloody
  • Appetite down
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Look sluggish
  • Fever
  • Difficult to gain weight
How to Overcome UTIs in Babies

If you suspect your little one has a UTI, you should immediately take him to the doctor. This condition must be treated as soon as possible, yes, Bun. If not, it is feared that bacteria in the urinary tract will spread and cause damage to the kidneys.

The doctor will check for the presence of bacteria in your child's urine. If so, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to treat it and to prevent kidney infections. Generally, UTIs will heal after the baby takes antibiotics for 3-7 days.

In addition, you also have to make sure your little one gets enough fluid intake, yes. This can help speed up the recovery process. However, do not give your little one drinks that contain caffeine, such as soda or tea.

If a UTI occurs in a baby under 6 months of age, the doctor may suggest hospitalization. Other conditions that also require hospitalization are if the baby has:
  • Spread of bacteria to the blood
  • Fever that doesn't get better
  • Dehydration
  • Throws up
  • It is difficult to administer drugs by mouth
UTI in infants should not be underestimated. Mothers should change their diapers regularly to prevent bacterial growth. Also make sure you clean your genitals the right way, especially for baby girls.

Clean the genitals first before cleaning the anus to prevent the transfer of fecal bacteria to the urinary tract. Avoid cleaning the genitals using soap that contains perfume.

UTI in infants is important to recognize and treat immediately. If your little one has UTI symptoms, don't delay to check with the doctor, especially if it happens frequently or makes your little one look very weak.

Often Hot During Pregnancy, Here Are The Causes And How To Overcome It

Often feeling hot and sweating is a complaint that many pregnant women experience. Not only during the day or when the weather is hot, pregnant women can even feel hot and sweat at night or when the air temperature is not too hot.

Reasons for Pregnant Women Often Feel Hot During Pregnancy

Hot during pregnancy is a normal condition occurs. This happens because of changes in the body of pregnant women during pregnancy. The following are some of the things that can cause pregnant women to often feel hot:

1. Changes in hormone levels

During pregnancy, estrogen levels can fluctuate. Changes in pregnancy hormones can make pregnant women feel some complaints, such as morning sickness and an increase in body temperature. When the body temperature increases, pregnant women will feel hot and sweat a lot.

2. Increased blood flow

During pregnancy, the amount of blood in a woman's body will increase to more than 50% of the time before pregnancy. When the amount of blood increases, the blood flow throughout the body will increase. This can make pregnant women feel hotter and sweat more easily.

3. Increase body metabolism

As the fetus grows, the metabolism of the pregnant woman will increase to support the growth and development of the fetus in the womb. Due to increased metabolism, pregnant women's body temperature will also increase and make the body sweat more.

4. Improved performance and heart rate

When pregnant, pregnant women's heart pumps blood harder than usual, so the heart rate also becomes faster. This condition can increase the body's metabolism and trigger a feeling of stifling and hot.

In addition, the condition of the growing fetus and increasing body weight during the third trimester, makes pregnant women more easily hot and sweaty.

Tips for Overcoming Hot Problems during Pregnancy

In addition to making pregnant women uncomfortable, often hot and sweating a lot during pregnancy risk causing dehydration, weakness, dizziness, and fainting. The heat felt by pregnant women can also be felt by the fetus in the womb and can even make the fetus feel stressed.

Therefore, hot during pregnancy should not be underestimated. To prevent and overcome complaints of heat during pregnancy, pregnant women can take the following steps:

1. Wear comfortable clothes

During pregnancy, pregnant women are advised to wear loose and cotton clothes to easily absorb sweat. Likewise with the sheets and blankets that pregnant women use. Choose soft and comfortable materials so that pregnant women don't feel hot while sleeping.

2. Sufficient drinking water needs every day

Pregnant women are advised to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day or more when the weather is hot. When traveling outside the house, arm yourself with a bottle of cold water and drink it regularly without having to wait for thirst to come.

3. Consumption of foods and drinks that can refresh the body

To keep the body hydrated, eat foods that contain lots of water, such as fruits and vegetables. Pregnant women can also eat healthy snacks, such as fruit juice or cold yogurt.

4. Limit caffeine intake

Drinking tea or coffee while pregnant can increase blood pressure and body temperature. Therefore, limit the consumption of caffeinated beverages, such as tea or coffee. It is better for pregnant women to drink cold water, fresh fruit juice, or smoothies when they are thirsty.

5. Try swimming regularly

Swimming can be an option for pregnant women to relieve the heat. Not only that, swimming can also make pregnant women more relaxed and prevented from stress, as well as help relieve other complaints during pregnancy, such as back pain and swollen legs.

In addition, pregnant women can also use a fan or air conditioner (AC) so that the room or room feels cooler. Pregnant women can also take a bath with cool water or just wipe the body with a wet towel to cool the body quickly.

If pregnant women want to travel outside the house, bring a fan or a spray bottle filled with cold water to refresh your face. As much as possible avoid direct sunlight for a long time.

Basically, being hot during pregnancy is a normal condition and nothing to worry about. However, if the heat of the pregnant woman is accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, and muscle aches, it is advisable to immediately consult a gynecologist for treatment.

Mother Feeling Stressed After Giving Birth? Here's How To Overcome It

Having a baby is supposed to be happy. But busy taking care of your little one and completing homework can indeed make you experience stress. Not to mention the lack of sleep, the number of guests visiting, and the breast milk that has not come out smoothly can be a burden in itself. Don't worry, Mother, there's a way out.

How to Cope with Stress after Childbirth

After giving birth, Mother wants everything to go perfectly according to the tips in the book. But reality is not that easy. In order to stay physically and mentally healthy in caring for your newborn, you need to come to terms with reality and take the following steps:

1. Asking relatives for help

Forcing yourself to do things can actually make you feel overwhelmed and stressed. Remember, you don't have to do everything alone. Don't be shy or hesitate to ask family, relatives, or friends to help ease your work.

2. Take care of yourself

After giving birth, it's not only the little one and the husband who need attention, the mother also needs to take care of herself. Walking around the house, getting enough rest time, and consuming healthy foods makes you less stressed. However, as much as possible avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol.

3. Get closer to your partner and family

The busyness of caring for the baby should not make the mother's relationship with her partner tenuous. In fact, working with a partner can help relieve stress. Also, stay in touch with family and friends.

4. Limit the number of guests

It's okay, you know, Bun, to limit the number of guests who want to visit every day. Mother and Little One's rest time should be prioritized.

5. Doing simple relaxation

To get rid of stress, try doing simple relaxation techniques at home. When anxious or panicked, try to take a deep breath, hold it for a moment, then release it. Repeat several times. Although it seems simple, this method can help you to stay calm.

6. Get used to positive thinking

Negative thoughts will tend to cause negative feelings. From now on, try to say only positive things to yourself. For example, “Your little one will sleep peacefully,” or, “I can handle this.”

Be careful if the stress that you have experienced has led to the baby blues syndrome or even depression. Its characteristics include:
  • Mother no longer wants to take care of the Little One.
  • Feel deep sadness.
  • Feeling hopeless and motivated.
  • Often feel excessive guilt.
  • Excessive anxiety about the little one.
  • Constantly having trouble sleeping.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Having a panic attack.
  • Have a desire to harm yourself or even the baby.
You need to remember that experiencing stress after giving birth doesn't make you a bad mother. Do not be shy to consult a doctor or psychologist to find a way out. Especially if this condition does not improve after 2 weeks and makes you think about hurting yourself or your little one.

Recognizing the Characteristics of Severe Stress and How to Overcome It

Severe stress can be caused by various things, ranging from workload, family problems, loss of a loved one, suffering from certain diseases, divorce, job loss, to being in debt.

Signs of Severe Stress

Severe stress can affect various aspects of life, from emotions, behavior, thinking abilities, to health. Before creating a wider problem, it is important to recognize the characteristics of severe stress so that this condition can be treated immediately.

The characteristics of a person experiencing severe stress include:
  • Easily agitated, frustrated, and often looks gloomy.
  • Easily offended.
  • Feeling that he is not good and worthless, and feels so depressed.
  • Unable to think calmly.
  • Not energized or excited.
  • Can't sleep or have insomnia.
  • Easily hurt.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Often experience digestive disorders, such as bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.
  • Decreased appetite or no appetite.
Various Ways to Overcome Heavy Stress

Severe stress that is not handled properly can increase the risk of various diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, acid reflux disease, asthma, and mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety disorders.

To deal with severe stress, there are various ways you can do, namely:

1. Think positive

It's not easy, but you still have to try to think positively about the problems you're facing.

Try to remind or motivate yourself about the positive things you have and should be grateful for. This method can reduce the stress you experience.

2. Write a diary

Pouring complaints into a writing can help relieve stress. By writing down all your complaints, the worries you feel can be reduced. You may even understand and manage your emotions better afterwards.

3. Tell the closest person

Do not keep the problem to yourself, but try to share what you are experiencing and feeling with family or friends. By telling stories to those closest to you, the burden you feel can be reduced.

4. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep can also help you deal with severe stress. Try listening to music before bed, so that the mind becomes more relaxed. In addition, you can also take a warm bath before bedtime.

5. Go on vacation

To reduce the stress you are experiencing, take time off work to go on vacation. This can make the mind to be fresher, so that stress can be reduced.

If the methods above have been done but the severe stress you experience has not been resolved properly, consult a psychologist immediately. A psychologist can help you find the right solution to manage the severe stress you are experiencing.

Purulent Acne, These Causes and How To Overcome It

There are various types of acne, one of which is purulent acne or pustules. This type of acne is characterized by larger, painful bumps.

When a purulent pimple appears, the skin around the pimple will appear redder and slightly swollen. Pimples also appear full of pus that is whitish or yellowish in color.

What Causes Purulent Acne?

Acne occurs when hair follicles or growth sites are blocked by dead skin cells or the skin's natural oil (sebum). When acne is infected by bacteria, the body will naturally fight the bacteria that cause infection. From this reaction, pus is formed in the pimple.

Purulent pimples are generally painful to the touch. In fact, in certain cases, infected acne can cause severe skin infections accompanied by fever symptoms.

There are several factors that can increase the risk of purulent acne, namely:
  • Not maintaining the cleanliness of the skin, for example because you rarely wash your face or take a shower.
  • The face is often sweaty.
  • Hormonal changes, such as puberty or pregnancy.
  • Stress.
  • Allergic reaction or irritation to skin care products, such as soaps, moisturizers, and cosmetics.
  • Eating too many processed foods or foods that are too sweet.
How to Overcome and Prevent Purulent Acne?

Actually, purulent pimples that are small in size can disappear by themselves. However, if the pimple is already festering and getting bigger or painful, there are several ways that can be done to overcome it, namely:

1. Using acne medication

The use of acne medication can be a solution to relieve inflamed and festering acne. Choose an acne medication with the active ingredients of benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and sulfur. Make sure you use the acne medication according to the directions on the medicine package.

If the acne is getting worse or worse, you may need antibiotics, tretinoin, or hormonal drugs (such as birth control pills). Even so, the use of this type of acne medication must be on the recommendation of a doctor.

2. Don't squeeze pimples

One thing you need to remember when you have a festering pimple is to avoid squeezing the pimple. Instead of making the pus disappear, this action actually makes the pus go deeper into the pores of the skin around it, thus making the pimple more inflamed, enlarged, and causing acne scars.

Popping a pimple can also increase the number of germs in the pimple, making it more inflamed and making the pimple worse.

3. Routinely clean the face

One way to prevent and overcome the appearance of acne is to keep the facial skin clean. You are recommended to clean your face twice a day on a regular basis, with a facial cleansing soap that does not contain alcohol to avoid irritation.

Then, rinse your face with warm water and use a soft towel to dry your face by gently patting it.

4. Use moisturizer and sunscreen

After cleansing, don't forget to use a skin moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated and sunscreen to prevent the skin from drying out. Make sure you choose a moisturizer and sunscreen product labeled noncomedogenic. Avoid using products made from oil because it can cause blackheads and recurring pimples.

5. Be wise in using cosmetics

Some women may use facial cosmetics or make-up to help disguise acne. However, some types of cosmetics can actually cause clogged facial pores and trigger acne.

Therefore, choose cosmetic products that are fragrance-free, oil-free, and labeled non-comedogenic. Also replace cosmetics that have not been used for a long time because they have the potential to have germs in them.

6. Live a healthy lifestyle

In addition to taking care of the skin from the outside, taking care of the health of the skin from the inside must also be done to prevent acne from reappearing. You are encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle by consuming healthy foods for the skin, increasing consumption of water, avoiding cigarette smoke, and managing stress well.

If the various methods above are not effective in dealing with purulent acne or acne accompanied by fever, nausea, weakness, and unbearable pain, then you should immediately consult a dermatologist to get the right treatment.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

This is the Cause of Yellow Nails and How to Overcome It

Yellow nails can occur due to a variety of conditions, ranging from simple nail care problems to rare syndromes that are quite complex. However, usually complaints of yellow nails can gradually disappear when the cause is addressed. For that, let's identify the causes of yellow nails and how to overcome them.

Causes of Yellow Nails

With age, the color of the nails will change and look more yellow. However, this yellow nail problem does not only occur in elderly people. The following things can also cause yellow nails, namely:

1. Fungal infection

Lack of maintenance of nail hygiene can lead to fungal infections. One of the symptoms of a fungal infection is yellow nails and thickened skin under the nail that can cause the nail to fall off.

To prevent yellowing of your nails, keep your nails clean regularly and make sure the tools used to trim your nails or beautify your nails are really clean.

2. Lack of vitamin and mineral intake

Yellow nails can also be caused by a lack of vitamin and mineral intake. If caused by this, in addition to yellowing nails, nails will also look dry, brittle, and have an irregular shape.

3. Use of nail polish

If you use nail polish or nail polish frequently, your nails can turn yellow over time. The reason is, the color pigments contained in nail polish may be absorbed into the nails and cause yellowing of the nails.

So, avoid using nail polish too often or rest your nails for a few weeks after applying nail polish, so your nails can "breathe" for a while. Yellow nails can also be caused by using nail polish remover, especially if the nail polish remover used contains acetone.

4. Certain diseases

Yellow nails can occur due to certain diseases, such as psoriasis and diabetes. Yellow nails can also be a sign of yellow nail syndrome. This syndrome is a rare condition characterized by 3 symptoms, namely yellow nails, lymphedema, and respiratory problems.

How to Overcome Yellow Nails

Yellow nails can be treated in various ways. However, the treatment must be adjusted to the cause so that the treatment you do can produce maximum results.

Some of the treatments you can do to treat yellow nails include:

1. Hydrogen peroxide

If your yellow nails are caused by using too much polish, you can treat it by using hydrogen peroxide. This material can remove stains from nail polish that is absorbed into the nail.

It's easy, put hydrogen peroxide in warm water and soak your nails. For maximum results, you can add a little baking soda to the water.

2. Baking soda

In the case of yellow nails caused by fungus, you can use baking soda. Baking soda is alkaline, so it can stop the growth of fungus and ultimately make your nails lighter in color.

How to lighten nails with baking soda is quite easy. You only need to soak the feet that have complaints of yellow nails in warm water that has been mixed with baking soda. However, once soaking can not immediately brighten the nails, yes. This method should be done several times and regularly.

3. Tea tree oil

In addition to baking soda, yellow nails caused by fungal or bacterial infections can also be treated with tea tree oil or tea tree oil. The trick is easy, mix a drop or two of tea tree oil with coconut oil or olive oil, then apply to yellowed nails.

4. Vitamin E

To restore moisture and health to your nails, try using vitamin E. Taking vitamin E supplements or applying vitamin E cream to yellow nails can help stimulate new, healthier nail growth.

If the above methods do not treat yellow nails, it is possible that yellow nails are caused by other conditions that are not resolved by the above method alone. Relax, the condition is not necessarily dangerous, it is possible that a fungal infection of the nails needs to be treated with more potent antifungal drugs.

However, it is still possible that yellow nails are caused by a serious health condition, especially if there are other accompanying complaints. Therefore, if yellow nails cannot be treated with the above methods or even over-the-counter antifungal drugs, check with your doctor.

Causes and How to Overcome Urinary Tract Infections in Men

A urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs when germs grow and develop in the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections in men are characterized b...