Sunday, October 30, 2022

This is the Cause of Yellow Nails and How to Overcome It

Yellow nails can occur due to a variety of conditions, ranging from simple nail care problems to rare syndromes that are quite complex. However, usually complaints of yellow nails can gradually disappear when the cause is addressed. For that, let's identify the causes of yellow nails and how to overcome them.

Causes of Yellow Nails

With age, the color of the nails will change and look more yellow. However, this yellow nail problem does not only occur in elderly people. The following things can also cause yellow nails, namely:

1. Fungal infection

Lack of maintenance of nail hygiene can lead to fungal infections. One of the symptoms of a fungal infection is yellow nails and thickened skin under the nail that can cause the nail to fall off.

To prevent yellowing of your nails, keep your nails clean regularly and make sure the tools used to trim your nails or beautify your nails are really clean.

2. Lack of vitamin and mineral intake

Yellow nails can also be caused by a lack of vitamin and mineral intake. If caused by this, in addition to yellowing nails, nails will also look dry, brittle, and have an irregular shape.

3. Use of nail polish

If you use nail polish or nail polish frequently, your nails can turn yellow over time. The reason is, the color pigments contained in nail polish may be absorbed into the nails and cause yellowing of the nails.

So, avoid using nail polish too often or rest your nails for a few weeks after applying nail polish, so your nails can "breathe" for a while. Yellow nails can also be caused by using nail polish remover, especially if the nail polish remover used contains acetone.

4. Certain diseases

Yellow nails can occur due to certain diseases, such as psoriasis and diabetes. Yellow nails can also be a sign of yellow nail syndrome. This syndrome is a rare condition characterized by 3 symptoms, namely yellow nails, lymphedema, and respiratory problems.

How to Overcome Yellow Nails

Yellow nails can be treated in various ways. However, the treatment must be adjusted to the cause so that the treatment you do can produce maximum results.

Some of the treatments you can do to treat yellow nails include:

1. Hydrogen peroxide

If your yellow nails are caused by using too much polish, you can treat it by using hydrogen peroxide. This material can remove stains from nail polish that is absorbed into the nail.

It's easy, put hydrogen peroxide in warm water and soak your nails. For maximum results, you can add a little baking soda to the water.

2. Baking soda

In the case of yellow nails caused by fungus, you can use baking soda. Baking soda is alkaline, so it can stop the growth of fungus and ultimately make your nails lighter in color.

How to lighten nails with baking soda is quite easy. You only need to soak the feet that have complaints of yellow nails in warm water that has been mixed with baking soda. However, once soaking can not immediately brighten the nails, yes. This method should be done several times and regularly.

3. Tea tree oil

In addition to baking soda, yellow nails caused by fungal or bacterial infections can also be treated with tea tree oil or tea tree oil. The trick is easy, mix a drop or two of tea tree oil with coconut oil or olive oil, then apply to yellowed nails.

4. Vitamin E

To restore moisture and health to your nails, try using vitamin E. Taking vitamin E supplements or applying vitamin E cream to yellow nails can help stimulate new, healthier nail growth.

If the above methods do not treat yellow nails, it is possible that yellow nails are caused by other conditions that are not resolved by the above method alone. Relax, the condition is not necessarily dangerous, it is possible that a fungal infection of the nails needs to be treated with more potent antifungal drugs.

However, it is still possible that yellow nails are caused by a serious health condition, especially if there are other accompanying complaints. Therefore, if yellow nails cannot be treated with the above methods or even over-the-counter antifungal drugs, check with your doctor.

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